Minggu, 25 September 2016

Tugas Untuk Kelas VIII

For 8 grade
Monday : VIII. B-D-A
Tuesday: VIII. E-F-C

Expressions of Accepting and Declining an Invitations
Ungkapan Menerima dan Menolak sebuah Undangan

Making invitiation (Membuat undangan)
Dalam membuat undangan atau mengundang seseorang untuk hadir ke acara yang kamu buat, kamu dapat menggunakan ekspresi dibawah ini.
·         Would you like to…? maukah kamu untuk …..?
·         I would very happy if…? aku akan sangat bahagia jika…?
·         We would be dilighted if you...? Kami akan senang jika kamu... ?
·         Can you come to .... Bisakah kamu datang ke

Accepting Invitation (Menerima Undangan)
·         Yes, I will come. Ya, Saya akan datang.
·         That would be very nice. Itu akan sangat menyenangkan
·         Ok, I will be there. Ok, saya akan berada disana!
·         Sure, I am coming. Yakinlah saya pasti datang

Declining Invitation (Menolak Undangan)
·         Sorry, I can’t. Maaf, aku tidak bisa
·         I’d love to, but.... Saya akan senang, tapi......
·         I don’t thimk I can. Saya tidak berpikir saya bisa
·         Thank you, but I can’t. Terimakasih, tapi saya tidak bisa.

Complete the dialogues below using the expressions of accepting dan declining invitation.

Situation “Your friend invites you to come to her house to do homework together”
(Situasi: “Temanmu mengundang kamu untuk datang ke rumahnya untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah bersama”)
A:  Do you want to come to my house? We can do our homework together.  --->Invite someone
      Apalah kamu ingin datang ke rumahku? Kita akan mengerjakan tugas rumah bersama.
B:  Yes, certantly I will come. ---->Accept an invitation
      Ya, tentu saja saya akan datang à Menerima sebuah undangan
B:  I am sorry. I can’t come to your house --->decline an invitation
      Saya minta maaf, Saya tidak bisa datang ke rumahmu à Menolak undangan

1.      Situation: Your father is having dinner in the dinning room. He asks you to come with him. But you have already eaten your dinner.
A:  My son, have you had your dinner yet? Come to join me?
B:  ___________________________________________

2.      Situation: It is late in the evening, your friend asks you to come to his house for a drink
A:  Come and have a drink at my house.
B:  ________________________________________

3.      Situation: You are invited by your new friend to watch a movie at the Cinema XXI. And your favourite actress is  playing.
A:  Would you like to come and watch a movie ath the Cinema XXI. Shahrukhan is playing in that movie.
B: _________________________________________

4.      Situation: A new orchestra is going to perform tonight. Your mother asks you to accompany her and your father, but you have a test tomorrow.
A:  Son, a new orchestra is going to perform at the assembly hall tonight. Would you come to join me and your father to the concert?
B: __________________________________________

_Good Luck_
NB: Untuk Referensi boleh searching di google dan untuk translate boleh menggunakan kamus offline..

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